CNN founder Ted Turner Wishes Network had a "more balanced agenda", less political


"They'd better have a more balanced program."

CNN founder Ted Turner is disappointed with the direction taken by the 24-hour news channel that he has launched in recent years. More specifically, billionaire Mogul said he hoped CNN would cover less politics than today and promote a "more balanced program."

"I think they are a bit too much of politics," Turner said. CBS Sunday morning. "They'd better have a more balanced program."

Turner launched CNN in 1980 and then sold CNN and its sister network, TBS, to Time-Warner in 1996. Mr. Turner, 79, no longer has any connection to these networks and lives quietly in Montana.

Turner is currently battling health problems related to the onset of Lewy body dementia, a progressive brain disorder.

Fox News has broken CNN ratings every year since 1996

Turner said that when he was running CNN, he was friends with influential and influential world leaders who cared about his opinion as he had shaped the news coverage.

"I was even friends with Fidel Castro and Mikhail Gorbachev and Vladimir Putin – I was friends with all," Turner remembers fondly.

In 1996, Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch launched the Fox News Network, which has regularly beaten CNN every year for 22 years.

Ted Turner said he and Rupert Murdoch had a friendly rivalry for years, but they still had a deep respect for everyone's business acumen.

"He envied me because I was ahead of him, a little, but not a lot," said Turner about Murdoch. "He was one of the smartest guys in the media business – is one of the smartest."

Turner's complaint that CNN is too focused on politics has spread to other segments of society.

These days, political discussions have infiltrated television series, movies, pop-culture magazines, entertainment shows, sports networks and social media in a growing social obsession with President Donald Trump.

And some people are tired of this obsession that consumes everything.

Actress Wanda Sykes heckled on anti-trump jokes

As the Inquisitr reported that more than a dozen angry people heckled and / or withdrew from Wanda Sykes' humorous show after his anti-Trump jokes failed with the audience.

Fans complained that Sykes' "comedy" routine was not funny and too political for their tastes.

Witnesses said that audience members began to heckle Wanda Sykes after she began her routine with a series of jokes criticizing President Trump. "Make comedy!" Shouted one participant. Another would have shouted, "Too political!"

One woman said she was not a Trump supporter, but she did not pay to watch a comedian slam Trump all night.

"I paid for a show of humor, not for a political hall," said a woman. "First of all, you do not blame our president. I am not a supporter of Trump, but he is my president and I would never hit my president.

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