CNN Poll: Decrease in Trump approval, low among independents


Overall, only 36% approve of how the president manages his work, up from 42% in August. Among the self-employed, the decline was more marked, rising from 47% last month to 31%. This is 4 percentage points lower than its lowest level of 2018, which is 35% approval among independent politicians in CNN polls, and 1 point under its previous one the lowest level among independents in CNN surveys, reached in November 2017.

Trump's figures have slid in the middle of an editorial publication in the New York Times and reports on Bob Woodward's book that will be released Tuesday. Both paint a picture of the White House in chaos, with staff members actively thwarted in the president's program. A majority of Americans say that the newspaper's author, a senior administration official, has to identify himself publicly (58% say so), and 55% think it's inappropriate for a public servant to take action against him. President's agenda. for whom he works.

There are marked partisan divisions on both issues, with about 8 out of 10 Republicans calling for a White House official to act against the president. About half of independents and about a third of Democrats believe that such behavior is inappropriate. Similarly, 85% of Republicans, 55% of independents and 43% of Democrats say that the author of the editorial should identify.

13% of Americans believe that most government officials are working against Trump as described in the editorial, while 59% say that at least some do so. Only 17% say that this does not happen at all, as the White House said in response to public opinion (this figure jumps to 27% among Republicans).

The president's favorability rating, which indicates whether people like him, rather than approving his professional performance, also had an impact on this survey, indicates that 61% of respondents have an unfavorable opinion of 55% in June . This negative figure is the worst since he won the presidency, and it corresponds to the worst level recorded during the 2016 presidential campaign.

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Trump has also lost ground on several personal attributes, including the perception of his honesty: only 32% of those surveyed consider the president to be honest and trustworthy, the worst in CNN polls. About one third, or 32%, is proud to be president, down 6 points since March and the lowest since taking office. Only 36% say "worry about people like you", another new weak point. Only 30% of respondents say they will unite the country and not divide it, which corresponds to its previous minimum of November 2017. Four in ten believe that the President can bring the kind of change that the country needs. November 2017 low. And 60% say that the President does not respect the rule of law, but has not changed significantly since March.

With regard to the chairman's approval rating, changes in Trump's rating and attributes of favorability are largely due to the movement of independents. The share asserting an unfavorable view of the president is up 10 points since June (from 55% to 65%) and there have been decreases of 10 points since March among independents who say that Trump is proud to have as president (from 36% to 26%) of the people who love them (from 42% to 32%) and who can make the necessary changes (from 46% to 36%).

An interesting contrast in the data: Trump is a little better in his perception of his ability to manage the government in general than his ability to run his own White House. While 56% of respondents say they can not effectively manage the government, 61% of them express doubts about the ability to effectively manage the White House.

When comparing Trump to most Washington politicians about honesty, corruption, intelligence and "contact", a plurality of adults is negative for everyone: 45% say the president is less honest than most politicians in Washington, 41% consider it more corrupt, 47% less intelligent and 47% less affected. A smaller share takes the positive angle of each, with 28% calling it more in touch, 27% more honest or less corrupt and 22% smarter.

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The economy remains Trump's main problem for its approval (49% approve, as at the beginning of the summer), and the 69% that describe the country's economy as stable have remained relatively stable. in the last few months. The share of the "very good" economy increased during this period and now stands at 26%, up 4 points since June and the highest since June 2000.

The CNN survey was conducted by the SSRS from September 6 to 9 in a random national sample of 1,003 adults reached by a live interviewer on landlines or cell phones. The results for the full sample have a sampling error margin of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points; it is bigger for the subgroups.
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