CNN's Don Lemon criticized for calling white men "the biggest terrorist threat"


"We must stop demonizing people and realize that the biggest terrorist threat in this country is the white men, the most radicalized right, and we must start doing something about them."

As "The Daily Wire" says, Don Lemon "rejects rhetoric" as:

The comments, which initially had little impact on social media, were made by Lemon Monday night to CNN in a conversation he had with Chris Cuomo about the shooting at the Pittsburgh synagogue, as well as the recent murder of two black men in Kentucky.

"There is no ban on traveling on them," said Lemon during the transfer between shows. "There is no ban – you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no ban on whites. So, what are we doing about it?

Watch the clip:

His comments displeased many notable white men, including Donald Trump Jr., who called Lemon "a moron" in this Wednesday morning tweet:

Jr. was not the only recognizable voice of good sound:

Even the social media site, which has recently made its way into the press stream, has shared its thoughts:

Almost two full days later, the backlash continues .. with a little support here and there:

Lemon, 52, has been with CNN since 2006.

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