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Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Friday asked the Justice Department to investigate a Kentucky woman, Judy Munro-Leighton, for falsely charging Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Munro-Leighton reportedly acknowledged in a telephone conversation with the committee that she had lied about being the author of an anonymous letter of indictment against Kavanaugh. . The letter, sent when Kavanaugh was nominated, was written by Christine Blasey Ford, who then testified in Congress about her allegations.

Grassley's message indicated that Munro-Leighton had also admitted that she had never met Kavanaugh. "I just wanted to attract attention;" and that his assault request "was only a ploy". Kavanaugh denied all the accusations.

On Saturday, President Trump tweeted about Munro-Leighton's decision to retract:

Trump's tweet, which never mentions Munro-Leighton's name, suggests that his deception had a much greater impact on Kavanaugh's appointment than she did. Contrary to the allegations of Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick, his claims were not published during the appointment process. Bonnie Kristian

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