CNN's Kate Bolduan stifles speaking of the tribute to the Pittsburgh Synagogue


CNN presenter Kate Bolduan seemed to swallow her tears on Friday, citing the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's tribute to the 11 victims of Satuday's mass shooting in a synagogue in the historically Jewish neighborhood of Squirrel Hill.

While the images on the front page of the Friday newspaper appeared on the screen, Bolduan pointed out that his banner included the first words of the Hebrew prayer made by a Jewish person in tribute to the victims of the massacre. "Magnified and sanctified by your name," sums up the title in Hebrew.

Bolduan's voice seemed moved as she explained the homage paid to the victims of the shooting, on which the FBI is investigating as a hate crime.

"Such a moving tribute to these people, to this community, against that, [the] the deadliest attack on Jews in American history, "said Bolduan.

The newspaper's decision to include the Kaddish prayer of the dead on Friday comes a day before the Synagogue of the Tree of Life organizes its first Sabbath services since the deadly shootout, which also injured several people, including police. Friday night marks the first service of the Sabbath since an armed man opened fire inside the synagogue.

Robert Gregory Bowers, accused by police of killing 11 people inside the synagogue, pleaded not guilty Thursday in federal court. Bowers faces 44 separate charges related to the attack.

Law enforcement officials said the suspect had told the police that he wanted to "kill Jews" and that "all these Jews must die". President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump worried Zinke broke the rules during referral to the Department of Justice: a report signed by 1,600 scientists opposes Trump's plan to refine the definition of gender called Bowers to receive the death penalty for this attack. Prosecutors demand the death penalty.

"Over the centuries, Jews have suffered terrible persecution. … and those who seek their destruction, we will seek their destruction, "said Trump this week.

"And when you have crimes like this, whether this one or another on another group, we have to bring back the death penalty."

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