Coal Drops Yard from Heatherwick Studio Opens Public | New


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Image © Luke Hayes

Image © Luke Hayes

The highly anticipated Coal Drops Yard project from Heatherwick Studio opened Friday, October 26th. The London-based studio has transformed two historic railway buildings dating from the 1850s into a bustling commercial district. The goal of Thomas Heatherwick, founder of Heatherwick Studio, was to showcase the existing architectural elements while satisfying the new needs of a new urban development.

Image © Luke Hayes

King's Cross, which is expanding in the new creative area of ​​London, already houses 67 acres of retail, restaurants and amazing architecture. The completion of Coal Drops Yard only adds to the cultural presence of King & s Cross in the city.

Image © Hufton & Crow

The studio cleverly highlights the historical and textural details of Victorian industrial style buildings while creating a functional retail and public space. The main design features of the project are the gabled roofs that connect two viaducts. Flowing roofs create a central space that turns roofs into games into a fluid structural attraction.

Image © Luke Hayes

"It's a huge privilege to work on Coal Drops Yard, not only because it's the first major building of the completed studio in London, but also because it's in King's Cross, where my studio and I have been based ever since. seventeen years." Since 2014, when the project was commissioned, Thomas Heatherwick and his team have transformed a former coal park into a site where the public can work, shop, relax and dine.

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