Coastguards investigate after ferry crashes on San Francisco Ferry Building


San Francisco, California –

Passengers aboard the Golden Gate Ferry who crashed on Friday afternoon at the San Francisco Ferry Terminal said they had received no warnings. The US coastguard is currently investigating after the boat reaches the end of the wharf.

Witnesses filmed the accident.

The metal hull is punctured and struck hard enough to break concrete and metal railings on the dock.

People on the wharf and on the boat could say that something was wrong with the speed at which the ferry was approaching. Witnesses took out their mobile phones and recorded them.

"The captain – nothing was happening over the intercom and you might have thought they would have sounded horn or anything to let people know," said Jack Wahl, a passenger of the ferry.

The passengers of the MS San Francisco Golden Gate Ferry said they have not been officially notified of the imminent accident.

"We were joking that we were going too fast to get there, and immediately after that, we stopped the first stack and headed for the port itself," said Gavin Martz, another passenger on the ferry.

People eating at the San Francisco Ferry Building saw the boat arrive around 14:30.

"I yelled at my table," Oh my God, here's a boat and it's hot, "said Kelly Schirber, a witness who dined at The Slanted Door restaurant.

"It was really hectic, there was a lot of shouting on board," recalls Martz.

Some took out cameras as the ferry approached, while others ran.

"I thought it would go straight to the restaurant, so I started running in the opposite direction," said Angelina Sivoia, who was dining with her mother, Kelly Schirber.

The impact cracked the concrete, spilled the railing and rattled The Slanted Door restaurant.

"The handrail looks like a simple piece of metal, it is actually a strong enough protection to ensure that, if that happens, people on the ground would no longer suffer damage," he said. Priya Clemens, spokeswoman for Golden Gate Ferry. .

US Coast Guard investigators will now examine computer systems to determine the speed at which the boat was moving and whether the master was in control.

"The captain said that it was a technical failure," Wahl said.

The five crew members will be subject to drug testing and interviews, which is a policy, according to Golden Gate Ferry. The Coast Guard will also review the boat's maintenance records.

"Ships are frequently inspected by the US Coast Guard, which results in a lot of surveillance," said Lieutenant-General Matthew Zinn, US Coast Guard's investigative officer.

The boat can carry about 750 passengers, but had a light load of 53 people on Friday. Two people reported minor injuries. A dealer suffered from a bruised hip and a passenger complained of having back pain, but refused to seek treatment. The ferry service has not been delayed due to the accident. It will run as planned, but without the MS San Francisco during the investigation and repairs.

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