Coffee is so good for you that it could reduce your risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's – BGR


As humans, we have to live with many unhappy realities, including the fact that many of the things we love end up being bad for us. We all know now that if we eat too much tasty treats, we will end up eating ourselves in a grave early in the day, but in recent years it has become increasingly clear that coffee, a well-known vice of millions and millions of people, is actually pretty good for you.

Recent studies have shown that being a regular coffee drinker can reduce your risk of all sorts of ailments, including a heart attack and a stroke. Now, a new research effort reveals that roasted black coffee is particularly effective at fighting certain brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

The study, which focuses on a specific group of compounds called phenylindans, highlights the benefits of specifying the type of roast you will use for your morning brew. Dark roasts, even in their decaffeinated form, are full of compounds that are thought to inhibit the production of a type of protein linked to Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

"The black caffeinated and decaffeinated roasts both had similar potency in our first experimental tests," said Dr. Ross Mancini, lead author of the study, in a statement. "So we found early on that its protective effect could not be due to caffeine."

This is great news for aspiring coffee lovers who would like to enjoy the benefits of the drink but do not like the nervousness they feel when they indulge. However, if you like your morning beverage containing a lot of caffeine, you will still enjoy many benefits, even if you do not specify the dark roast. The idea is that it is the process of coffee roasting that creates the compounds, that is, the longer the grains are cooked, the more beneficial compounds are found in the resulting beverage.

So, if you're a coffee buff, you can feel even better about your habit, and if it's not the case, well, maybe it's time to give another chance.

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