Cohen publishes a band of Trump, igniting Feud


After the Times' report, Mr. Giuliani said the president could be heard saying that the payment should be done with a check rather than money so that it could be properly documented. The audio is not so conclusive, but it's not as clear as the representatives of Mr. Cohen claim. They say that shows that Mr. Trump ordered that he be paid in cash.

"Everyone has heard Donald Trump say the word" money "after Michael Cohen mentioned the funding," said Lanny J. Davis, a lawyer for Mr. Cohen and a longtime supporter of Clinton, said Tuesday on CNN. "Whatever momentum Mr. Giuliani is trying to invent, he says money."

In April, federal agents raided the house and residences of Mr. Cohen. The research has deeply angered the president, who has since increased his attacks on the justice department; the office of the special adviser, Robert S. Mueller III; and Mr. Cohen, who, in turn, told the associates that he was willing to cooperate with the authorities. During the raid, federal agents obtained registration, as well as commercial records, e-mails and documents.

Trump, who recently became suspicious of Mr. Cohen's willingness to cooperate with federal investigators, said Saturday morning that Mr. Cohen's registration was "possibly illegal."

"Inconceivable that the government would enter a law firm in the morning) – almost unknown," he wrote on Twitter . "Even more inconceivable that a lawyer can register a client – which is totally new."

Giuliani acknowledged that the situation that Mr. Trump and Mr. Cohen are discussing mainly about the recording is the payment of $ 150,000 from AMI to Ms. McDougal, which gave in part to the 39 publisher of tabloids the exclusive rights of his story that she has never published. 19659002] That Mr. Trump was informed of the case at that time or that he was aware of it in advance, Mr. Trump seems to know the terms sufficiently to understand that the rights were transferable – a key point in her contract with AMI

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