Cohn says Trump should not comment on agencies


When asked when he thought the president should weigh all his weight on the agencies, he replied, "I do not think he should comment on the federal agencies."

On Tuesday, Trump told Fox Business in an interview that the Fed was his "biggest threat."

"The Fed is raising rates too quickly and is independent, so I'm not talking [him], "Said Trump, referring to Jerome Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve.

"I'm not happy what he's doing," Trump said about Powell. "It's going too fast, because you've looked at the latest inflation figures, they are very low."

Trump's comments on Powell came just a week after he said the Fed was "raging", accusing the central bank of a massive drop in the sock market.

"I mean, I do not know what their problem is, but they're raising interest rates and it's ridiculous," Trump said last week in an interview with Fox News. "The Fed is going loco and there is no reason for it to do it and I'm not happy about that."

Janet Yellen, the former president of the US Federal Reserve, also defended the Fed against Trump's attacks, saying its remarks were "detrimental to the Fed and to financial stability."
"I really think it's not advisable for a president to comment as explicitly on Fed policy," Yellen said Monday. "Obviously, the chairpersons can speak out if they want to and give their opinion on the policy to be followed.There is no law against that, but I do not think it's wise and I think the Fed has a solid reputation for acting independently and non-government politically, and I would not want to see that reputation damaged. "
Despite Trump's criticism, CNN said the members present at the last Federal Reserve meeting pleaded for the continuation of the plan to raise the rate again in December.

"This gradual approach would balance the risk of monetary policy tightening too quickly, which could lead to a sharp slowdown in the economy and inflation below the committee's target," the report said. of the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meeting released Wednesday.

Lydia DePillis, Donna Borak and Danielle Wiener-Bronner from CNN contributed to this report.

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