Coke increases soda ash prices because of aluminum tariffs


The favorite soft drink of the United States is the latest victim of Trump administration tariffs

Coca-Cola increased the prices of its carbonated beverages because the tariff of 10% on the price of carbonated drinks. Imported aluminum made Coca-Cola cans more expensive. Chief Executive James Quincey acknowledged Wednesday that the rise was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Clearly, even though [customers] may include pressure on freight costs, on increases in steel and aluminum and other costs of transportation. Inputs that affect the bottling system and affect some of our finished products, clearly these conversations are difficult, "he said on the call

A Coca-Cola spokesman said told CNNMoney that the increases would vary by retailer. "We have not commented on specific price increases in the US, as they vary by channel and customer (which is a retailer who sells our products.) Also note that the increases are at the customer level. Customers Have Discretion on Costs Consumers Pay on Tablets

In March, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross said that aluminum prices were "a lot to do for nothing "and that American customers would not notice it. [ad_2]
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