Colin Jost and Michael Che Tease "Policies" Emmys 2018 Plans


"We worked together as writers and this seemed to be – it was not really our choice, but we were excited," said Jost about his professional partnership with Che.

Colin Jost and Michael Che spoke with the Associated Press on Thursday regarding the hosting of the Emmys, aired on Monday.

"We felt very fortunate to do it, we love going to the Emmys, and every time we're appointed it seems like a great honor, and going home to trust us is great," said Jost.

As Jost answered the question, Che ran his fingers through Jost's hair. "Your hair is beautiful," he said.

Jost added that they are not completely sure what political jokes will be made during the awards ceremony. "We do not even know what will necessarily happen during the weekend on the political level," he said. "There might be something, maybe not."

"There will be political jokes and we will go out on the wrong side of history, that's for sure.

"If we could be half as good as Ed McMahon, we were successful," said Che when asked what host he had taken notes. "We are Ed McMahon-ing.All winners will be announced via Jack-in-the-box, so we will have to run and crank until it comes out, and it will be a puppet of the face." of the winner. "

"And then the show will be like five o'clock," Jost said in response to Che's joke.

On Friday, Emmys guests visited The Ellen DeGeneres show.

DeGeneres congratulated both on renewing their contracts for Saturday Night Live. "It's great because we discovered it by seeing it in a title," Jost said. "We did not get any calls – just people in the interviews said," You're back. "And we say," Oh, that's good to know. "

"I do not have an agent," joked Che after DeGeneres wondered why their agents had not told them the news. "My cousin does all my things."

After the host complimented the duo's chemistry, Jost said their partnership was not their choice. "We knew each other as a stand-up," Jost said. "And then we worked together as writers and that seemed to be – it was not really our choice, but we were excited about it." Che added, "The request said" one of each "."

Che also revealed that Jost's relationship with Scarlett Johansson did not hinder their friendship. "Not anymore, because I'm going out with a celebrity too," he joked. "She's a Times Square Elmo."

After admitting that he no longer saw Jost as he did before, DeGeneres proposed to put Che alongside those who interested him. "It's too much pressure," he said. "Is Beyonce single?"

Che then asked how Hillary Clinton is doing. "She's doing very well," said Jost. "She is happier than she has ever been," DeGeneres added.

"It's too much pressure, I do not know what to say," Che said. "Roseanne went to Isreal."

"Before leaving for Israel, it was perfect," joked Jost. "But you do not want to go far, that's your problem."

Che agreed, "That's my problem, my taste is too problematic."

The two then shared their plans for the Emmy. When DeGeneres asked if they wanted to dance or sing, Jost replied, "We've eliminated those two things."

"You know how to organize these shows. It's just about entertaining everyone, but the real work, or the real pressure, is on the nominees. it moves, "Che said." It's really not ours. "

"We have loose ideas," Che said on their plans.

the SNL The co-organizers of "Weekend Update" have also joined DeGeneres to organize a special edition of "Weekday Update".

After Jost and Che showed up, the host said, "And I'm in the middle of this hot man sandwich.

DeGeneres jumped in the updates telling viewers that the Emmy are coming. "They made some changes, this year is Monday instead of Sunday, so this year, if your acceptance speech is too long, Cardi B will let you go," she said. .

"A new study shows that one in seven adults has tried electronic cigarettes, a group known as a DJ," Jost said.

"An Illinois ventriloquist was arrested for distributing anti-government propaganda to Starbucks," Che said. "They try to file a complaint against him, but his accomplice refuses to speak." He is a model.

The appearance of Jost and Che on The Ellen DeGeneres show concluded with a game of "last word". During the game, the three players drew up a list of things from categories such as wild animals, terms of affection and body parts.

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