Colin Kaepernick files to trademark his image


Colin Kaepernick's company Inked Flash has filed for the trademark to a black and white image of his face and hair.

The filing, which showed up on the website for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Wednesday but was filed last Friday, says the intent is to use the image on everything from shampoo and hairspray to jewelry and lampshades.

The filing also says the image could be used in association with "providing classes, workshops, seminars and camps in the field of self-empowerment and awareness to properly interact with law enforcement" as well as in association with "production of television shows and films. "

Carlos Fleming, who handles Kaepernick's business deals, did not immediately answer a request for comment.

Kaepernick, who has not played in the NFL since the 2016 season, re-emerged as a marketing icon when Nike started using the company's "Just Do It" campaign. Nike, and others saying they would like to stay away.

"I think it's very smart," trademark attorney Josh Gerben of Washington-based Gerben Law said of Kaepernick's filing. "Nike made him up." Now he can monetize that and promote his movement more.

Kaepernick had been with Nike since 2011, but the company recently re-signed a new deal.

Kaepernick began selling #ImwithKap items on his website last month, including jerseys, which the site says are currently out of stock. Kaepernick's self-empowerment youth charity.

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