College Football Power Rankings: Kentucky, Washington State by vaulting into top 10


With apologies to any SEC copyrights, now it just means more. The Power Rankings at the top Tuesday night. The College Football Playoff Rankings will start in Alabama, LSU, Clemson and Notre Dame.

Among the questions to be answered …

Can Alabama get through November unscathed? The Tide has been so much done in the five seasons by Nick Saban. Does Alabama even have to beat LSU this week? Maybe not. Three times in November, Saban's championship teams at Bama have lost. Last year's the last loss in a title run – Auburn in the Iron Bowl.

Are the Pac-12 and Big 12 at risk in the playoff? The Big 12 lost a top 10 team in Texas. Washington State is the last hope for the Pac-12.

Can our Lady seal the deal? The biggest game of the season looms this week against … Northwestern. Who would have thunk it?

Is LSU for real? Really, do you really have to ask? One man's guess, but the Tigers this week will keep it within 22 points (Alabama's lowest margin of victory) and under 39 points (Alabama's fewest points).

Is the carnage over? Absolutely not. Nine of the top 25 lost; six of them dropped out.

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