Collin Gosselin is "very smart" and does not have television in his new facilities


Collin Gosselin
Collin Gosselin Courtesy of Jon Gosselin / Instagram

A haircut was on the agenda when Collin Gosselin came home for the weekend. Proud dad Jon Gosselin shared a photo of the 14-year-old showing his new haircut at Barber Salon Mike & Joe in Reading, Pennsylvania on Monday, November 5th.

the Jon & Kate Plus 8 Alum provoked a frenzy among fans on Sunday, when he instinced a rare photo of Collin. In the photo, the teenager, who lives in a residential facility, poses with her sister Hannah. (The DJ, 41 years old and his ex-wife Kate Gosselin are the parents of sextupled Collin, Hannah, Leah, Alexis, Added and Joel. They also share twins aged 18, Cara and Madelyn.)

In 2010, Kate, 43, revealed that Collin would participate in a program for children with special needs. In a letter, published in his book I just want you to know, TLC's personality explained that Collin was "nice, kind and helpful," but had behavioral problems.

Collin Gosselin, Hannah Gosselin, Jon Gosselin
Collin, Hannah and Jon Gosselin Jon Gosselin / Instagram

"Collin is very smart. He always questioned Kate and answered, "said a source close to Jon exclusively We weekly. "Kate does not like that."

According to the source, Collin is booming in the new facility, where he does not have access to a television. Jon is in close contact with program staff. "They work closely with Jon and really care about Collin," the source added.

Jon and Kate divorced in 2009 after 10 years of marriage. Hannah lives with Jon full time while the other children stay with Kate. According to the source, Hannah has been with her father for almost a year now.

Kate defended her decision to send Collin to school far from home. "It was not really a choice, it was on the advice of her doctors and it had to happen," she said in a November 2016 episode of ABC Nightline. "He walks and so do we. It's the best thing I can do for him right now and it comforts me.

That same year, Jon said We he was "in the dark" about Collin's treatment. "I never see Collin," he said at the time. "I'm totally separated from Collin because of Kate."

With the reports of Jen Peros

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