Collins: A new justice should not favor the overthrow of Roe v. Wade


  Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said that the words of a Supreme Court candidate about Roe v. Wade would say a lot about how he would act as a judge. Story Continued Below

Trump last week stated that he would not ask for potential Supreme Court candidates for his position on the track of the campaign, when he said that it would only undermine the Supreme Court justices who oppose abortion.

"I think what he said as a candidate may not have been informed by the legal advice that he has now, "said Collins to Jake Tapper." It would not be appropriate for him to ask a candidate how he would rule on a specific issue. "

Collins, who favors abortion rights, says she's not at home. 9 with the 25 names selected by Trump. . The Maine Republican is one of the few Republicans in the Senate considered a possible vote against a Trump Supreme Court appointment.

Also speaking on ABC's "This Week", Collins elaborated his position on the 1973 abortion decision written by Judge Harry Blackmun.

"It was established as a constitutional right for 46 years – 45 years, and was reaffirmed 26 years ago," Collins said. "So, a nominee's position, whether they respect or not the previous one, will tell me a lot about knowing whether or not they would overthrow Roe v. Wade. A candidate of this import position that would overthrow Roe v. Wade would not be acceptable to me, because that would indicate an activist program that I do not want to see a judge in. And that would mean that I would not does not respect the fundamental principle of our judicial system. "

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