Collins: The White House has expanded its list of potential choices to the Supreme Court


The White House has expanded its list of potential Supreme Court candidates after Sen. Susan Collins Susan Margaret CollinsSunday Shows Insight: The Supreme Court Fights In The Fire Michael Moore: I'm going to surround Capitol with a million Manchin warns Trump against the appointment of the court that will overthrow Roe c. Wade MORE (Maine) urged President Trump Donald John TrumpScaramucci warns that Trump must "change tactics now" on Trump was looking to buy a historic Scottish building for the hotel: Republican report wins the right to replace Farenthold at the MORE Congress to expand his research, Senator GOP said Sunday.

"The White House counselor told me that there were some" Collins said in an ABC interview "This Week" while discussing his meeting with Trump more early this week.

Collins said that she suggested Trump expand her research beyond the list of 25 candidates that the White House issued in November. The senator told ABC that Trump had added five judges to this list

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Sunday.

Senator GOP's comments came a few days after Trump said that he would use the list. when he chose a candidate to replace judge Anthony Kennedy who was retiring

Collins pointed out that Trump "should not feel bound by this list."

Senator Maine, which will serve as a crucial vote at the next confirmation process, noted that she might note voting for some individuals on Trump's list because they do not abide by stare decisis, the concept that once a case is decided, it's a good idea. is the law.

"Some people on the list I can not support because they have shown a lack of respect for the vital principle of stare decisis," Collins said. "I will not go into which they are, but there are people on this list for whom I could not vote."

"Some of the people on the list, I have not checked at all," acknowledged Collins the "State of the Union" of CNN

Kennedy announced that he is retiring as of July 31st. His retirement provides Trump with an opportunity to choose his replacement, further shaping the court for years to come.

Appoints Candidate on July 9, and Senate Majority Leader [Mitch McConnell] Mitchell McConnell Shows Supreme Court Fights at Dawn Candidates for Court of Appeal languish in Senate then that Flake claims a tariff vote has voted for the first candidate to the Trump Supreme Court, MORE said the Senate would vote on the choice this fall.

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