Colonize Mars? This is only the beginning


Renowned director Ron Howard told Sky News that he thought the colonization of Mars was just the first step to further explore the space and find other habitable planets.

The Oscar-winning director and producer, known for such films as A Beautiful Mind, Frost / Nixon and of course Apollo 13, is voiced before the start of the second series of MARS, the National Geographic broadcast devoted to the red planet, which presents life could be really like once humans arrive there.

The key word, there is one time: for executive producer Howard, the idea of ​​surviving on Mars is no longer "just a beautiful story of adventures".

March, for Ron Howard's interview
MARS offers scripted dramas mixed with interviews of experts
March - Five years have passed since we last witnessed the settlement of the city of Olympus. Launch pads dot the Martian surface and solar panels act to provide energy to the colony. (National Geographic)
Photos: National Geographic

"What surprised me was that colonizing Mars, for any of the real thinkers, is important, but it is not the end," he said. told Sky News.

"It would be a very important next step to finding more hospitable planets, this deep space exploration of Star Trek that could really provide a much more friendly planet and a lot easier to adapt for human beings. .

"This just gives more incentive to invest in the resources of this exploration during March and the space."

As fans of the first series know, MARS uses a hybrid format: alternating scripted and documentary footage to predict what life will be like on the red planet, based on what is happening on Earth today.

This means that dramatic scenarios are interspersed with expert clips on the camera – called "great thinkers" and including SpaceX's Elon Musk and former NASA astronaut Leland Melvin – that help explain to the viewer the opportunities and problems that await humans in an environment at 54.7 million kilometers Earth.

Elon Musk, executive director of SpaceX, on Mars. Pic: National Geographic
Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, is one of the "big thinkers" of the series. Pic: National Geographic

Howard explains that the themes of space exploration and that Mars in particular have always seduced the public.

"I think human beings, by our nature, are explorers," he says. "Some corners of the Earth have not been fully explored yet, but most have been, as have the oceans."

"I think that after being on the moon, the big question for many people is what is the next step and why would we go.

"Mars is an enticing opportunity – it's a big challenge but it's also an ideal starting place for deeper space exploration, and many also believe that if humans do not continue to explore this possibility There is no guarantee that they will be able to extend the existence of the species beyond the Earth.

"These are the two things that fuel our fascination.In addition to that, it's just fun and very dramatic because it becomes a story of human interest with a lot of enthusiasm.

"It is a very painful place to try to exist but it is possible.

"As Elon Musk has said, it is important to try to go now because we have the means." It is possible, but it would be presumptuous to assume that human beings will always be able to leave because things are changing on this planet, and we should take advantage of this moment of technological discovery and breakthrough … and push the boundaries.

"When I started working on MARS, I thought it was just a good story of adventures that would make people think about what is possible.

"After conducting the research and participating in these interviews and making these episodes, I now truly believe not only in the viability, but also in the need to lobby for this exploration."

As tempting as it may be, Howard told Sky News that he did not think he would make the trip himself.

"I love directing and producing movies and television .I think it will take a long time before they need directors on Mars, so I do not know what I would do with me." even if it is not to look around me, "he said.

"And it's a very long journey to look around. I think you have to want to work or create a future there. I think my future continues to be here on Earth telling stories that I really believe in and want to share. "

March, interview with Ron Howard. Pic: National Geographic / Dusan Martincek)
This series of the show takes place in 2042
March behind the scenes of the photo, for the interview of Ron Howard. Pic: National Geographic
Backstage at MARS Pic: National Geographic

This series of MARS takes place in 2042, five years after the end of the first season, following a successful first mission on the Red Planet.

Howard says that the show is a "rare opportunity" to give viewers a "multi-level" show.

"It keeps resembling science fiction and begins to give the impression that you are witnessing real events," he says. "I think it's unusual, it's experimental and I'm delighted to have been part of the experiment."

"I think everyone involved likes the fact that the series does not ask the question: should we go to Mars? It goes back beyond that and gives the audience an idea of ​​what it will look like."

:: MARS returns for a second season Sunday at 8pm on National Geographic

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