Colorado Health Department warns of epidemic of dangerous virus for children | Colorado Springs News


DENVER – The Colorado Department of Health warns parents against the virus outbreak that causes neurological complications in young children.

The outbreak is mainly related to the A71 strain of enterovirus. Enteroviruses are common and pose problems such as hand disease, foot-and-mouth disease; rashes; and cold-like symptoms. The A71 strain is much less prevalent and usually does not cause serious complications, but can in rare cases cause neurological diseases such as meningitis, encephalitis and acute flaccid myelitis (LFA).

According to the Department of Health, in Colorado, there were 41 cases of A71 strand enteroviruses that caused neurological complications. Fourteen cases of AFL were also reported, of which 11 were positive for enterovirus A71 and one for the search for another unusual strain of enterovirus, D68.

Almost all infected children are fully recovered, officials said. 11 News has contacted the counties of Pueblo and El Paso; Health officials from Pueblo County said that no cases have been reported in this country while we are waiting for a call from El Paso County.

The Ministry of Health released Tuesday the following information for parents:

All enteroviruses spread by contact with the feces of an infected person; ocular, nasal and oral secretions (such as saliva, nasal mucus or sputum); and the liquid of blisters caused by the virus. Some people with enterovirus have no symptoms but can still transmit the virus to other people. In general, enterovirus cases increase in summer and autumn.

There is no vaccination or specific treatment against enteroviruses. People with mild illness usually only need treatment for their symptoms. However, some diseases caused by EV-A71 and EV-D68 may be severe enough to require hospitalization.

The state health department has been monitoring this situation closely since the beginning of spring. In addition to investigating the outbreak, the state health department sent alerts to health care providers about how to detect the virus and strengthened the guidance provided to child protection centers about infection prevention.

Symptoms of enteroviral complications or acute flaccid myelitis

Parents and guardians should contact a health care provider if they or their children have:

– Severe symptoms such as sudden weakness of the arms and legs, difficulty breathing, unstable walking, severe headache, stiff neck or convulsions.

– Dizziness, wobbliness or abnormal jerky movements that worsen at night.

– Fever accompanied by any other worrying symptom.

To protect yourself and others from enterovirus:

– Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

– Pay particular attention to washing your hands after using the toilet and changing diapers.

– Avoid close contact with sick people and do not share cups or utensils.

– Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as toys and doorknobs, especially if a person is sick.

– Cover yourself coughing and sneezing.

– Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

– Stay at home when you are sick and keep the children at home for 24 hours after the end of the fever or they keep the house out of control and have mouth ulcers.

Colorado has already experienced less common enterovirus outbreaks. In 2014, the enterovirus D68 caused an outbreak of respiratory disease in Colorado children and was associated with 11 cases of acute flaccid myelitis. In 2003 and 2005, enterovirus A71 caused epidemics similar to those in Colorado: eight cases of central nervous system infections occurred in each of these years.

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