Colorado's wedding proposal to the mountain ends with the rescue of a couple in Texas


The attempt of a Texas man to find the perfect place to ask the question at the summit of a Colorado mountain on Saturday is over with the need to rescue newly engaged couples after a painful experience of an hour.

The Boulder County Sheriff's Office said that 27-year-old Joshua Mason and his girlfriend, Katie Davis, 28, had left Denton, Texas for Denver on Friday before heading for a hike at Jasper Peak in Continental. the next day.

"Mason was hoping to find a secluded, secluded place" far from any other people "to suggest to Davis," said the sheriff's office. "They found exactly such a place, and Davis happily accepted the surprise proposal."

Joshua Mason and his girlfriend, Katie Davis, went on a hike on July 4th in Jasper Peak, on the watershed

Joshua Mason and his girlfriend, Katie Davis, set out on a trek on July 4 in Jasper Peak, on the continental watershed, to offer an "isolated scenic site."

After a hike of more than 8.2 miles and an ascent of 3,000 feet to the peak of nearly 13,000 feet, the newlyweds discovered that the carefully planned engagement had taken a sharp turn.

"As it was getting dark, there is no trail to see. This is not clearly stated, "said Dan Walter, deputy sheriff of Boulder County Mountain, at FOX31.

The sheriff's office stated that the couple did not wear warm clothing, carried little water, and were not acclimatized to the higher ground. The two ended up being "disoriented" and lost until about midnight, when a camper who was hiking in the area heard their cries.


"They had come down on a ridge and cliffed. They came to a cliff and could not go any further and shouted for help, "Walter told FOX.31" By the grace of God, (the camper) was walking where he could hear them .

The sheriff's office said that the pair ended up having

The sheriff's office said the couple ended up being "disoriented" and lost until about midnight, when a camper walking in the area heard screams.

The man told authorities that the couple was showing signs of altitude sickness and severe dehydration when he discovered them. He led the couple to a group of his friends who were camping in a nearby lake.

"One of them acknowledged that it was a serious situation," Walter said.

One of the group's campers got off her vehicle in the middle of the night and then called 911 for help. The rescue teams were able to reach the couple at 4.30 in the morning and drove them both around 6.30 am on Sunday.

"Mason acknowledged that he had not given her enough time to complete the hike before dark and that they were not carrying enough water or food," said the sheriff's office.

Despite the grueling test, the newly engaged couple seems to be ready to plan the big day.

"The last thing I said, is the engagement still going on?" Said Walter to Fox31, "and she said" oh yes. "

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