LAWRENCE – Columbia Gas will not meet its November 19 deadline to restore gas service to approximately 2,500 customers in Merrimack Valley. He now promises that a new "quick re-ignition strategy" will allow all displaced residents to return home by December. 16
Joe Albanese, a former member of the Navy Seabee hired by Columbia Gas to assume his tsar duties of the catering, said Friday that the company had learned that it would take longer to restore gas service in the environments residential than expected, and that she was well aware of the New England winter is fast approaching.
Part of the Columbia Gas system was overpressured on September 19, causing a series of explosions and fires in Andover, North Andover and Lawrence, killing a Lawrence man and forcing approximately 8,000 residential customers to shut down their gas service .
"We will do everything in our power to bring you home," said Albanese at a press conference attended by Govenor Charlie Baker and the leaders of the three communities where residents were forced to leave their home because they did not have gas service to cook. , heating or hot water. "We run against the winter."
Albanese said the "quick re-ignition strategy" was a major shift from its original strategy.
Initially, the company planned to install new heating and hot water equipment as well as stoves or other appliances damaged during the disaster. But the work has been slowed considerably by the need to first code the properties before deploying new equipment.
The company will now focus on repairing existing heating and hot water systems, and then come back later to deliver on its promise to install new equipment. Running the systems now will allow thousands of people to return home from the caravans, hotels and homes of friends and relatives where they currently reside.
Governor Charlie Baker said Friday that his administration and municipal leaders will remain vigilant to ensure that Columbia Gas will meet the new deadline.
"The delay will affect some residents beyond the date of November 19," Baker said at the press conference, adding that the housing restoration effort "has not progressed as quickly as expected initially".
He added, "The recovery mission is about your life and getting back to normal."
Albanese said the company had hired three more companies and was hoping to have 2,000 plumbers, electricians, field workers, inspectors and translators next week, while the latest Columbia Gas launch campaign will be launched.
He said most people will have restored their gas service by December 2 and all work will be completed by December 15.
You can reach Milton J. Valencia at the address milton.valencia@globe.com. Follow him on Twitter @miltonvalencia.
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