Combination of John Wesley Shipp in the 90s


Oliver Queen and Barry Allen exchanging suits and (presumably) powers are not the only goofy thing we'll see in this year's Arrowverse crossover.

Arrowverse annual crossover events between The flash, arrow and Super Girl have been extremely popular with fans as they grew each year. It changes this fall Legends of tomorrow This one is missing (though something special is planned as a meta-style response), but with the return of Superman, the debut of Batwoman and the title "Elseworlds", the anticipation was already high.

Stephen Amell may have simply found a way to further fan those fans. We already knew that we would see Amell as Flash and Grant Gustin as Green Arrow in "Elseworlds", thanks to the crossover poster, part of which is visible above.

But they will also have company in the form of another speedster, which should be familiar to viewers of all ages. Here is the photo of "Elseworlds" that tweet Amell today with Twitter already in teak:

That's ok John Wesley Shipp in his suit of the 1990-91 version of The flash. It's great to review this complaint, but it raises big questions about what's happening in the crossover.

First possibility: it is simply Shipp who takes again his role of Jay Garrick, the Flash of Earth-2 of Arrowverse, which he adopted in turn in a reminder of the previous television series. Option 2: Regardless of the timing of the Oliver / Barry exchange timeline, Jay's costume was also screwed up.

Then there is the third and probably the most exciting alternative, namely that is 1990 Barry Allen. This is certainly not impossible given the Arrowverse that establishes an infinite number of new lands, as well as the concept "Elseworlds", which means in comics stories of similar worlds that differ from the main DC universe of only one or two important ways.

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Whatever the reason, fans talk as much as ever when preparing for the crossover. "Elseworlds" starts on Sunday, December 9 The flash, continue on Arrow December 9th and ends on Super Girl December 10th.

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