Comedian claims to have a successful joke called President Trump


"I'm shocked … I mean we've done it like a blunder, I'm a comedian," said John Melendez, better known as John Stuttering. "I just could not believe it took us an hour and a half for Jared Kushner and Donald Trump to be on the phone with Air Force One."

At the beginning of the so-called appeal, the voice that resembles Trump congratulates He thought that Menendez had been acquitted at a federal corruption appeal by saying, "You have gone through a difficult and difficult situation, and I do not think the situation is very fair. "

Court vacancy, according to the audio on the podcast. The voice that sounds like Trump promises the false Menendez, he will name a new justice in "10 to 14 days."

"All they had to ask me is what party affiliation is Sen. Menendez, or what state is it?" Melendez told CNN

Melendez told CNN that they first called the White House and were honest about their identity, but they did not tell me anything, the White House said that Trump was busy and hung up.

Then they called again, but this time as "Shawn Moore", a fake assistant to Menendez.

"I changed my voice to an English accent, I do it English accent's worst English accent accent, so I said yeah it's Shawn Moore, Senator Menendez's assistant and we'd like to talk to the President. & #################################################################################### 39; They said they would call me back, and then they called back to the cell phone, "said Melendez.

According to the audio that was aired on Melendez's podcast, Trump called by flying on Air Force One on his return from his rally in Fargo, North Dakota on Wednesday night.

"Donald picks up the phone and I started talking to the President I never told Donald that I was Senator Menendez I was just talking about my Long Island accent The stuff Is that you hear my bad Long Island accent and a voice to which Donald has spoken so many times, "said Melendez.

The White House has not commented on the alleged appeal or confirmed its authenticity.

A source said that someone at the White House's Legislative Affairs Bureau contacted Menendez's office Thursday morning about the phone call. The source said that Menendez's staff members were very confused and did not know what it was about. They have not spoken to the White House since the recording came out.

"As someone who has spent my entire career trying to convince the Republicans to join me in reforming the broken immigration system of our country, a conversation with the President on the way to maintain the American values ​​that have guided our family immigration policy over the last century: tearing children apart from their mothers is not part of our proud history: until now, this white house "sabotaged only" An effort of faith to find a bipartisan agreement on immigration, "Menendez said in a statement.

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