Comedian who tricked Trump says Secret Service knocking cam


WASHINGTON – The comedian who said he falsely claimed to be U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez and was able to talk to President Donald Trump by the Secret Service Agents, he said on Twitter.

In a series of tweets, the comedian, John Melendez, said he did

Melendez, falsely claiming to be Menendez, told he reached the president by phone and that Trump said he was sympathetic to the New Jersey senator's ethical issues , And that they discussed immigration and the Supreme Court.

"Congratulations, you're doing a great job.," Said John Melendez was Trump. "

" As someone who said he would like to trump for real.

"As someone who I would like to say that I would like to have a conversation with the President of the United States. I would like to have a conversation with the President on how to uphold the American values. Past century, "Menendez said."

"Tearing children apart from their mothers is not part of our proud history," he said. "Thus far, this White House has been sabotaged every good-faith effort to find a bipartisan common ground on immigration."

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