Community resilience to the growing Ebola virus in Congo


The United States Children's Fund (UNICEF) said it was stepping up efforts to prevent Ebola in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. The agency says the community's resistance to efforts to contain the Ebola virus is increasing and must be fought to stop the spread of the deadly disease.

Since the outbreak was declared on August 1 in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri in Congo, UNICEF has been working with communities to inform them of the spread of the virus and outbreaks. measures to protect yourself.

The US agency works with community and religious leaders in the city of Beni, where health workers face hostility and resistance. UNICEF spokesman Christophe Boulierac said the spread of false rumors and the fear of Ebola are jeopardizing efforts to contain the virus.

"We are working with anthropologists, particularly in this part of Beni, who are committed to responding to cultural beliefs and practices, especially with regard to the sick and sick, and to addressing the concerns

Boulierac said UNICEF is expanding its community outreach program to support thousands of people at risk in Butembo City. Two new Ebola cases have recently been confirmed in this important shopping center of nearly one million people.

He said UNICEF is deploying a team of 11 specialists in community communication, education and psychosocial assistance. The agency will also provide water, sanitation and hygiene products to help contain the disease and prevent spread of the epidemic.

In its last assessment, the World Health Organization had 197 confirmed and probable cases, including 92 deaths.

The epidemic in the DRC is the tenth since the first identification of Ebola in 1976.

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