Companies owned by Michael Avenatti Owe Millions Unpaid Taxes (Report)


20:29 PDT the 21/10/2018


Kimberly Nordyke

Lawyer Stormy Daniels, who is gearing up for a presidential race in 2020, personally owed at least $ 1.2 million in federal taxes, according to a statement from the Daily Beast.

Michael Avenatti, who is preparing for the 2020 presidential elections, owed millions of federal taxes, while two of his former corporations also owe millions of taxes and unpaid judgments, according to a report published Sunday by the Daily Beast .

According to the report, Avenatti, who became famous as Stormy Daniels' attorney and who loves the press in his lawsuit against President Trump, took advantage of what she calls "luxury living" while in front of l & # 39; money.

According to court documents and filings at the offices of local registrars as seen by the journalists of the Daily Beast, the former law firm of Evenatti, Eagan Avenatti, and Tully's, a Seattle coffee chain now gone that he once owned through his former company Global Baristas (majority owned in the group). chain), owe millions of dollars in federal taxes and unpaid bills to Washington and California, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars in rent overdue.

In addition, according to the report, Avenatti should have paid at least $ 1.2 million in federal taxes, based on the tax privileges in Orange County, including one in February 2018 for $ 308,396. Another, from August 2015, amounted to 903 987 USD.

Avenatti told The Daily Beast that the two debts had been "fully paid", but the news site indicated that he could find no evidence or any document showing that the liens had been paid. He also stated that he was not responsible for the amounts owed by his former businesses.

At the same time, he owed money, according to information gathered by the civil court quoted in the report, spending time racing with a Saudi prince and paying luxury villas in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, for his wife and their friends.

Unpaid debts will surely become a hot topic again in the months leading up to the 2020 election. Trump hit the headlines after repeatedly refusing to release his tax returns before the 2016 election.

Read the full Daily Beast report here.

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