Get all the facts about measles in less than 90 seconds. Find out how the disease is transmitted, its signs and symptoms and how the vaccine works.

Health officials confirmed that a patient who visited a Lakewood health center with symptoms of measles had contracted the highly contagious infection and that he was now warning residents of the possibility of An exhibition.

The Health, Medical and Dentistry Education Center (CHEMED), a Lakewood-based clinic, announced last week that a man in his twenties has entered one of his establishments with measles symptoms.

Testing centers and disease prevention confirmed the case of measles, said the Department of Health in a press release. The patient, who developed symptoms after a trip to Israel, was in Ocean County between 13 and 21 October and may have exposed other people to the infection, have indicated officials.

The Department of Health advised that the patient was contagious at the following locations in Lakewood:

  • Schul Satmar, 405 Forest Ave., October 13 and 21 from 1 pm to 4 pm Daily
  • Eat a pita at Clifton Avenue 116 on October 15th between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm
  • CHEMED Health Center, 1771 Madison Ave, October 17 from 3pm to 6pm. and on October 18th between 10:45 and 13:30

Officials urged anyone who visited these places at the time of exposure to immediately contact a health professional "to discuss the potential exposure and risk of developing the disease".

"If you have been exposed, you are at risk if you have not been vaccinated or if you have not had measles," according to the Department of Health. "Potentially exposed people, if they are infected, could develop symptoms as late as November 11th."

The Department of Health said it was working with the Ocean County Health Department to identify other areas where the public might have been exposed to the virus.

EARLIER: Ocean County Health Officials Investigate Suspected Case of Measles

"Anyone who has not been vaccinated or who has not had measles is at risk if exposed," state epidemiologist Tan Tan said in the statement.

Measles is a highly contagious infection caused by a virus. Symptoms include rash, high fever, coughing, runny nose and red, watery eyes. In the worst case, it can cause symptoms as serious as pneumonia and swelling of the brain, according to the Department of Health.

The disease can cause miscarriage, premature birth or low birth weight babies in pregnant women. Measles spreads easily in the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes or if a person comes in contact with mucus or saliva from an infected person, according to the release.

Residents who suspect they have been exposed should call a doctor or health care provider before seeking treatment at a medical facility to ensure that health professionals can assess potential measles patients without exposing them to medical conditions. Other patients and medical personnel to the infection.

The officials urged residents to ensure that they and their family members received all the necessary vaccinations, including vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella, not only to protect themselves, but also to those who are too young to be vaccinated or who can not be vaccinated for medical reasons.

Measles cases are rare in Ocean County, said Brian Rumpf, spokesman for the county's health department, last week.

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In 2017, there were only three confirmed cases in all of New Jersey. The disease, which had almost been eradicated in the United States, is now "a kind of resurgence" because of people choosing not to be vaccinated and travelers to the United States. who arrive from countries where vaccinations are less common, said Rumpf.

The Ministry of Health has announced a recent increase in the number of measles cases in Israel and urged anyone planning an international trip who is unsure of their immunization status to be vaccinated.

Earlier this month, officials warned that an international traveler with measles would have passed through the Newark Liberty International Airport on September 28th. The traveler returned by a flight from Israel and then went to Rockland County, New York.

FULL HISTORY: An infected passenger may be exposed to measles at Newark Airport

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Andrew Goudsward: @AGoudsward; 732-897-4555; [email protected]

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