Congo reports the death of Ebola near the Ugandan border


KINSHASA, Congo – Congolese authorities announce a confirmed death of Ebola near the Ugandan border.

The vice governor of Ituri province said that the 32-year-old woman had participated in the burial of other cases of Ebola, but had refused the vaccination against Ebola and had disappeared from the city of Beni. She died Thursday in a hospital in Tshomia.

This is the nearest cause of Ebola's death in the current epidemic, namely the busy border with Uganda.

The Congolese Ministry of Health said Friday, there were 116 confirmed cases, including 68 deaths, related to the haemorrhagic fever reported August 1.

Ebola virus surveillance took place at the Congo border. The World Health Organization has not recommended any travel restrictions.

More than 10,000 people were vaccinated.

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