Congo says Ebola efforts can resume after deadly attack


JOHANNESBURG – The Congolese Ministry of Health said efforts to contain the latest Ebola outbreak could resume Wednesday in a key community where a deadly attack by rebels over the weekend led to the suspension of work.

Beni's civil society had demanded that commercial and other activities cease for five days to protest the attack by suspected rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces who killed at least 18 people.

Now, the Ministry of Health has said that the work of fighting Ebola can continue after the "seriousness of the epidemic" and the dangers of containment efforts have been explained.

The World Health Organization says insecurity, public mistrust of vaccinations and political maneuvering could create a "perfect storm" leading to the spread of the epidemic.

Congo reports 120 confirmed Ebola cases, including 70 deaths, as of Tuesday.

Cases have been reported near Uganda.

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