Congressman Billy Long uses the auctioneer's skills to drown a protester


The time has come at a hearing of the home energy and trade committee with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey when far-right activist Laura Loomer began taking the speech in the audience. Loomer ignored calls to order and harangued Dorsey, accusing him of political bias in managing the social media site.

Continuing, Long began to list imaginary offers, eventually drowning what she said.

The Capitol police were called to escort him and finally applauded after leaving the courtroom.

The biography of Long House mentions him as a former longtime member of the National Auctioneers Association and the Missouri Professional Auctioneers' Association.

The brief episode was one of Wednesday's weird moments on Capitol Hill, just hours after a controversial exchange between Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio and the famous right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

This was also one of the many interruptions that took place in a committee room this week, with hearings by the Senate's supreme commission of the bench, Brett Kavanaugh, marked by frequent interruptions from the protesters.

Capitol police said Tuesday they arrested 70 people for demonstrations related to the first day of proceedings in Kavanaugh.
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