Congressman compares campaign to fate of incarcerated drug addicts


Photo: Jay Paul (Getty)

The race for the 7th Congressional District of Virginia is one of the closest House races to follow as we head to the finish line before the midterm elections in November. The GOP's current representative, David Brat, is neck and neck with Democrat challenger Abigail Spanberger, and if you think the pressure to defend a district once considered Republican is coming to Brat, well, you probably have very reason.

In a session with a group of drug addicts incarcerated in a local prison on Wednesday, Brat told a detainee story of the difficulties she would have faced after leaving prison to complain about her own elections. Why? Honestly, I'm not sure. To gain sympathy maybe? Attempt to bring together a group of people incarcerated in the "doom to me" category? Suffice to say that it was pretty weird.

"Do you think you're going through a difficult time?" Said Brat, after Chesterfield sheriff Karl Leonard responded to the inmate's testimony, stressing the need to fund long-term prison stays. "I received $ 5 million worth of negative ads. How do you think I feel? Nothing is easy. For whoever.

"You think I'm a member of Congress," Oh, life is easy, this guy has steaks every day. "" Balivernes. I have a girl, she has to deal with this shit on TV every day. "

Perhaps realizing that complaining about the harshness of life of a US congressman from a group of people locked in concrete cells is not a fantastic look, Brat said. quickly tried to get back on track, adding, "You have the most difficult things, I'm going to I do not reject that. (He definitely rejected that.)

Shortly after the WCVE reported on his visit to Brat prison, President Donald Trump canceled the Congressman's twisted approval in danger of death. Twitter, insisting inter alia on the fact that he was strong about "crime".

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