Connie Chung reveals that she was sexually assaulted at the university


Connie-Chung-reveals-she-was-sexually assaulted
Connie Chung attends the 27th edition of the Courage in Journalism Awards at Cipriani 42nd Street in New York on October 26, 2016. John Lamparski / WireImage

Connie Chung revealed that she had been sexually assaulted in the 1960s by her family doctor. The journalist told her story in an open letter to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused the judge appointed to the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

"Me too, I was sexually assaulted – not 36 years ago, but about 50 years old. I kept my dirty little secret for myself. Silence for five decades, "writes Chung in the letter, which The Washington Post published on Wednesday, October 3rd. "The abuser was our trusted family doctor. What made this monster even more reprehensible is that he was the doctor who delivered me on August 20, 1946. I am 72 years old now. "

The presenter stated that she was "100%" safe from the identity of the sexual assaulter while the attack was "etched forever in my memory".

"I went to my family doctor to ask for contraceptive pills, an IUD, or a diaphragm," she said. "He pulled the curtain, asking me to take off my clothes under the waist while he was sitting at his desk near the bay window. When I was ready, he went to the exam premises and installed calipers on one end of the padded examination table. I was 20 years old and I had never undergone a gynecological examination. I had never even seen calipers before. It was extremely odd to spread my legs and get me into those cold iron stirrups.

Chung wrote that the doctor had inserted his finger into his vagina and that he "trained me verbally in a soft voice". After having an orgasm, he "leaned over, kissed me, pecked at the lips and slid behind the curtain until his office area", was she recounted, adding that she "dressed quickly and came home".

The TV presenter, who is married to Maury Povich, said she had not informed her parents nor the authorities of the incident. She wrote that she was a virgin at the time and that she felt "embarrassed by my sexual naivete".

"Christine, I too am terrified when I reveal this publicly," she added. "I can not sleep. I can not eat. Can you? If you can not, I understand. I'm scared, I'm scared, I can not even cry. … I would like to be able to forget this truthful event, but I can not because it's the truth. I write to you because I know that the exact dates, the exact years are insignificant. We remember exactly what happened to us and who did it to us. We remember the truth forever. "

Ford, 51, told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, September 27, that she was "100%" a 53-year-old Kavanaugh, who had sexually assaulted her during 39, an evening in a high school in 1982. before his candidacy for the Supreme Court was transferred to the Senate.

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673). A qualified staff member will provide confidential, non-judgmental support as well as local resources to assist in healing, recovery, etc.

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