Conservative Turn California Red Rally May Attract Counter-protesters Antifa: Report


Californians want to promote conservative leaders ahead of Tuesday's Sunday election in Sacramento, paving the way for a clash with counter-protesters.

The organizers of the "Turn California Red" rally announced that their supporters would meet in front of the Capitol at 1 pm local hour. The organizers have obtained a permit allowing 500 people to attend the event, according to the California Highway Patrol.

"Let's show these Democratic politicians that we are no longer silent and their seats are no longer safe," reads the page of the event.

On Saturday evening, 150 people had announced their participation and more than 650 said they were interested.

The rally comes as some California conservatives are fed up with liberal state policies. Event organizers said the Democrats had made the state "unbearable for normal citizens".

But Sunday's rally could attract a counter-demonstration. An anti-fascist group called Antifa Sacramento warned its members on the group's Facebook page that "the far right is down." The group urged people to "Show up against bigotry" as long as they are "able to intervene in the event". harassment or street attacks. "

The event organizer, Chris Ross, told the Sacramento bee that the rally was a conservative rhetoric faced with scrutiny in the light of a Florida man who allegedly sent bombs to several politicians and liberal democrats.

"In the midst of recent events, some may feel discouraged from entering the middle ranks and into this rally," he wrote. "We can not and will not let the actions of one man influence our passion to carry out our mission. Stay on course, Patriotes.

He urged users of the event page to refrain from inflammatory rhetoric in order to jeopardize the event.

He also wrote that all signs and flags must be mounted on sticks – without pipes, thick posts or "anything in this category" is allowed, he wrote.

Officials in Sacramento should be on the alert, reported the San Diego-Union Tribune.

In 2016, violence erupted when white nationalists and skinheads clashed with counter-protesters at a neo-Nazi rally on Capitol Hill. Seven people were stabbed and the building was closed with staff and tourists still inside.

Other rallies escalated into chaotic violence, such as a rally in Huntington Beach, California, in which supporters of President Trump and counter-demonstrators clashed violently.

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