Consumer Reports: Your Bug Must Have These Ingredients for – Hawaii News Now


(Image: Hawaii News Now / File)
(Image: Hawaii News Now / File)


A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that tick-borne and mosquito-borne diseases have risen sharply since 2004.

This makes a good insect repellent more important than ever if you spend time outdoors.

Consumer Reports has tested 33 products and claims that the best contain three key ingredients: deet, picaridin and lemon eucalyptus oil.

They also say that it does not matter if you use sprays, wipes or lotions. It is the concentration of active ingredients that is the most important.

The repellents should contain 15 to 30% deet, 20% picaridin or 30% lemon eucalyptus.

"Unlike sunscreen, you do not have to reapply insect repellents, just put them in the morning, go outside and then, at the end of the day, to wash them, "says Trisha Calvo, Consumer Reports.

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