Consumption of electronic cigarettes is an "epidemic", according to the head of the FDA


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The use of electronic cigarettes has become an epidemic among adolescents and must be stopped, said Wednesday the head of the Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Scott Gottlieb.

The FDA has stated that it is putting a brake on sales of vaping products to teens and could consider removing electronic cigarettes from the market if manufacturers do not do more to stop exponential sales to teens. The FDA may also limit the sale of certain flavored products, Gottlieb said.

"We are seeing clear signs that the use of e-cigarettes by young people has reached an epidemic proportion, and we need to adapt some aspects of our overall strategy to stem this clear and current danger," said Gottlieb at the # 39, a press conference.

"We are announcing the largest ever coordinated initiative against illicit sales in the history of the FDA. This is the most important crackdown in the agency's history. It targets retail and online sales of electronic cigarettes to minors. "

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