LaCroix's parent company is being sued for alleged use of the cockroach insecticide, linalool, as an ingredient in their beverages. Sam Berman of Veuer has complete history.

LaCroix recently made the headlines after a lawsuit was filed against his parent company alleging that "all-natural" sparkling water contained an ingredient used in an anti-cockroach pesticide. Apart from the alleged synthetic ingredients, is soda water healthy?

Is sparkling water better, worse or the same as still water?

The sparkling water is simply water with added carbon dioxide for the fizz. Carbon dioxide is converted into carbonic acid in your body.

The biggest negative potential: some say that the acid from boiling water can erode tooth enamel. Andre Ritter, from the University of North Carolina's School of Dentistry, said today that people who frequently drank sparkling sparkling water were the most at risk. In addition, the addition of lemon juice or lime makes drinks even less pleasant to the enamel. British researchers dipped their teeth in flavored sparkling water and discovered that dental erosion was similar to that of orange juice. Nevertheless, rejecting a sparkling water is less hard on the teeth than the soda. In fact, a study from the Journal of the American Dental Association has classified sparkling mineral water as "minimally invasive" compared to other soft drinks.

Robin Foroutan, dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told USA TODAY that in terms of hydration, sparkling water is the same thing as the ### 39 pure water. Drinking throughout the day can fuel your consumption of healthy liquids.

"The only reason you reduce is if you find yourself puffy," she said.

Carbonation in the water can make people feel swollen and burp.

More: Why should you drink water every day?

Most experts say that if you are more likely to catch sparkling water over flat water, go for it. This could keep you more hydrated and healthier.

More: LaCroix is ​​being prosecuted for allegedly including an insecticidal cockroach ingredient in its sparkling water

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