Controversial Campaign Calls People With Down Endangered Species Syndrome


A Canadian advocacy group for people with Down Syndrome

Tea Canadian Down Syndrome Society wants the International Union for the Conservation of Nature to add people with Down syndrome to its endangered species list. They would be the first humans on the list, which classifies endangered, threatened and vulnerable animal species around the globe.

A video from the advocacy groupsee above) makes its point in part by dressing with endangered resembling such symptoms, threatened and vulnerable species as polar bears, lions and rhinos.

The campaign is a reaction to the fact that it has been genetically reduced to Down syndrome.

Since the prenatal tests were introduced in Iceland in the early 2000s, for example, almost 100 percent of women who received a positive test for Down syndrome opted for an abortion, according to CBS. As a result, the condition has been almost completely disappeared from Iceland's younger population.

Some people may believe that the condition is a good thing. But advocates argue that this kind of attitude contributes to stigma that people with Down Syndrome are lesser humans. And that kind of thinking impacts societal awareness, funding and job opportunities for those who have Down syndrome and desperately need help – hence the campaign.

"Whether it's underfunded support programs for education, higher rates of unemployment, or even negative public perception and stigma, the challenges faced by people with Down syndrome are not decreasing – they're increasing," Laura LaChance The board for the Canadian Down Syndrome Society, said in a press release.

The group told HuffPost that it is advocating for the same kinds of "funding, protections, government intervention and public awareness that species on the Endangered List receive."

Many people still found the campaign of comparison of humans to animals dehumanizing.

Francie Munoz, a woman with a Down Syndrome, who received media attention in 2017. After the presentation of the police, she said that she was not a fan of the campaign.

"It does not matter who you are … I do not like people comparing me to an animal. It's not fair, "Munoz told the Toronto-based CBC. "Love us for who we are, not a character, not an animal."

Her father, Carlos Munoz, also feels the campaign is sending the wrong message.

"The parents have talked to us about the fact that our children are being compared to animals," he told the CBC. "As cute as a polar bear can be, I do not think that anybody should be making that comparison in that sense."

He also noted that while the conversation is sparking, it is mostly among people in the Down Syndrome community and it is focused on the campaign itself.

Some people simply seemed confused by the advocacy group's effort.

So while the campaign is definitely fighting for people with Down Syndrome, the "endangered species" may be turning off more people than it's enlightening.

HuffPost reaches out to the Canadian Down Syndrome Society and several other down syndrome advocacy groups.

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