Controversy around a new opioid 1000 times more powerful than morphine


RED BATON – Critics across the country are wondering why the drug Dsuvia is needed. It's a new opioid and painkiller recently approved by the FDA, but many do not agree and think it's a terrible mistake.

"We are probably at the heart of the worst epidemic, that of opioids in this country, which will probably make more victims than more epidemics than what the country or the world has known," said coroner Beau Clark.

Dr. Belleau, coroner of East Baton Rouge Parish, has witnessed first-hand the adverse effects of opioid use, with at least 72 overdose deaths in the parish alone this year.

"It seems like a flagrant disregard for human life. We are talking about a substance, opioids that kill people, why do we need more when we have a problem with what we have, "Clark said.

According to the FDA, there are strict guidelines for the drug that dissolves in the mouth. It can only be used in hospitals, surgical centers and emergency rooms. Dsuvia should not be used for more than 72 hours and is not available in retail pharmacies.

They say that it is a drug that will only be administered in a health facility for a very short time, in a highly controlled environment. That's fine if that's the case. However, later in the statement, they say that this was also developed with the Ministry of Defense, which also contradicts it.

In an FDA statement, Dr. Scott Gottlieb said, "This opioid formulation, as well as the unique Dsuvia administration device, was a medical priority for the Pentagon because it meets a specific need, vital and limited, in the treatment of soldiers battlefield, but Dr. Clark does not buy it.

"A soldier protects our country and, if they are wounded on the battlefield, we need mechanisms to deal with their pain, especially if they have to wait a long time before being injured and receive definitive care, but I think these things already exist. "Clark said.

Respiratory depression, coma and even death, not to mention the high-dependence quality, are the serious risks of using Dsuvia.

"Having stronger opioids is really the wrong direction and certainly sends the wrong message." In his statement about Dsuvia, Dr. Gottlieb added, "We will not ignore what I believe to be the real source of dissatisfaction among critics of this approval, namely whether America needs 39, another powerful opioid then massive crisis of addiction. "

Gottlieb says that this issue will be addressed openly and directly. Dsuvia is expected to generate annual sales of $ 1.1 billion, but for Clark, he is more concerned about the lives that could be lost in the future.

"We are on the way to another record year of increasing the number of opioids compared to last year, and I see no end in sight, and when we act In this way, we create another category of an even more powerful product. I think opioids are causing more and more problems, "said Clark.

For more information on Dsuvia, click here.

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