Cops attract pig to escape home with Doritos


A California police department has discovered an unusual – but effective – way to catch a giant pig on the run over the weekend. Officers used a bag of Doritos potato chips to lure the pig, "the size of a mini-horse," into his door.

On Sunday, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department responded to a call from a stray pig and posted photos and a video of the social media encounter.

"Crimes fighting to safely get a pig the size of a horse, we do everything," reads in the Instagram post.

The sequence shows one of the officers who walks in front of the big pig by throwing a chip Doritos while the pig follows it. The images show that the animal was receptive to the maneuver and the caresses of the officers.

Apparently, it was not their first encounter with the mammoth pig. Due to previous appeals, the officers responding to the call, MP Ponce and MP Berg, knew where he lived and took him home.

"We were able to put it back in place and secure the door," said MP Ponce. "It was fun."

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