Cory Booker: Ditch Kavanaugh, whether "innocent or guilty"


Democratic Senator Cory Booker, in the midst of the FBI's ongoing investigation into sexual assault charges against Brett Kavanaugh, hinted that the Senate was "to pass" to another Supreme Court candidate, that Kavanaugh is innocent or guilty.

Booker, D-N.J., A few days earlier, had supported the FBC's additional investigation into Kavanaugh's antecedents. But despite rumors that the probe could end from one day to the next, Booker said Tuesday it was too late for Kavanaugh. He added that his "credibility" had already been questioned and that his "temperament" had been revealed during the heated hearing that took place last week with accuser Christine Blasey Ford.

"In the end – not that he's either innocent or guilty, it's not a lawsuit … did you ask enough questions not to move on to another candidate?" Booker, a potential presidential candidate for 2020, said Tuesday at Capitol Hill.

Republicans seized the remarks, with the GOP president Ronna McDaniel tweeting it shows "the Senate Democrats admit finally that they do not even care to discover the truth".

Booker's comments came as new allegations surfaced against Kavanaugh, but questions were raised about allegations already made.

Ford, who testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, said Kavanaugh, while attending a high school party 36 years ago, immobilized her and tried to undress. Another, Deborah Ramirez, said that in her first year at Yale University, Kavanaugh had exposed herself to her on a dorm night. And Julie Swetnick, represented by Stormy Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, claimed that Kavanaugh had drugged the "punch" at parties and participated in "gang" and "train" rapes in high school.

Swetnick has since reviewed certain elements of her story, and the names of the witnesses she has provided have not yet corroborated her narrative. Kavanaugh vehemently denied these accusations.

Meanwhile, President Trump has intensified his criticism of the democrats' treatment of the confirmation process. At a rally held Tuesday night in Mississippi, he accused the Democrats of only knowing "block, resist, demolish, destroy and delay" and claimed that they "were trying to destroy Judge Kavanaugh" from the beginning.

"Because they know that Judge Kavanaugh will follow the Constitution as it is written," he said.

But Booker criticized the candidate on Tuesday, noting that "Kavanaugh's credibility was questioned by respondents, by people who knew the candidate well as a classmate."

In the midst of the FBI's investigation, Democrats also focused on Kavanaugh's allegedly aggressive behavior while drinking in high school and university. Kavanaugh denied being aggressive, although he admitted to drinking beer in high school and at the university.

Booker is opposed to his appointment until no charges have appeared. In July, at a press conference, Booker said that supporting Kavanaugh would be "diabolical".

"In a moral moment, there are no spectators," he said this summer. "You are either an accomplice of evil, or you contribute to evil, or you fight against him."

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