Costco Adding healthier items to the food court, cutting a few favorites


Costco reorganizes parts of its restaurant menu, replacing some less healthy items – such as barbecue and chocolate frozen yogurt – with vegetarian salads and acai bowls. Although the changes are underway, the most notable victim up here could be the Polish hot dog, now officially abandoned.

This should not be confused with Costco's most expensive food, a hot dog fully sold with a fountain for $ 1.50. The Seattle Times was interviewed this week with Costco's chief financial officer, Richard Galanti, who confirmed that, even though the Polish hot dog is gone, the beef pillar is not going anywhere . The hot dog combo was introduced in the mid-1980s shortly after the opening of the bulk purchase store. Its price has not changed since, making it a bargain among Costco's customers.

Other recent changes to the food court menu seem to allow Costco to stay on the lookout for healthier dietary trends. A Costco store in San Luis Obispo, California, dropped chocolate frozen yogurt and a berry-flavored yogurt sundae while adding a dessert to the acai berry swirl and fresh fruit and granola. Costco says that the acai dish will be available at all Costco stores.

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Another new dish at Costco is al pastor salad with vegetable protein. A chicken and chilli sandwich would have been removed from at least some stores.

Despite a general trend toward a healthier diet, much of Costco's online response to menu changes tends to be skeptical.

The distress caused by the changes may reflect the fact that although Costco's clients tend to be relatively affluent, they tend to be older and more suburban. This could make them less eager for change, and suggest future challenges as Costco attempts to increase its appeal to younger buyers while retaining its core customer base that loves hot dogs.

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