Cottage Cheese (Paneer) Is Ideal Late Night Snack For Metabolism and Muscle Quality: Study


Paneer lovers raise your hand. If the findings of a future study are to be cheese can help you to have a positive effect on the muscle, metabolism and overall health. Nutritionists and weight loss experts often advice against late night snacking. Our metabolism is the least at night, which is why eating at night can induce weight gain. But having a protein-filled snack like cottage cheese may not be that bad an idea, reveals the study published in the British Journal of Nutrition

In the study, Michael Ormsbee, Associate Professor at Florida State University (FSU), gave active young women in their early 20s samples of cottage cheese 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime.

The findings revealed that 30 grams of protein has a positive effect on muscle quality, metabolism and overall health.

And for those who have sworn off eating at night, there is no gain in body fat,

"Until now we presumed that whole foods would act similarly to the data on supplemental protein but we had no real evidence," Ormsbee said.

"This is important because it adds to the body of literature that gives you more nutrition, and it gives you options for pre-sleep nutrition that goes beyond powders and shaker bottles."
The scientists are affirmative that these results can be used as a basis for future research on specific metabolic responses to whole food consumption.

"While being trained in FSU graduate student Samantha Leyh, now a research dietician with the Air Force.

"Like the additive and synergistic effects of vitamins and minerals," said Leyh said.
This study may help experts discuss more pre-sleep food options that can be used for recovery, exercise and regeneration of muscle and overall health.

(With inputs IANS)

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