Could it help you lose weight or is it just the latest fad diet?


It seems like all health magazines and celebrities talk about intermittent fasting, but what exactly is this latest trend in wellness?

Could it help you lose weight or is it just the latest fad diet?

Jennifer Lopez, Kourtney Kardashian, Selena Gomez, Beyonce, the Wolverine event, aka Hugh Jackman, would have sworn in front of their hard abs that the plan was going well! And so, do people like Andrea Mendoza?

Andrea: "It really makes me feel good."

Intermittent fasting – a diet where you can eat just about anything you want, and some people say, lose weight all the same, avoid heart disease, reduce the risk of diabetes and rejuvenate

The catch? You can only eat at certain times of the day.

Andrea: The thought is scary, you know? Oh, I can not eat for the next 12 hours, but it's not so bad hahah.

Andrea says that she eats her biggest meal early in the morning and that she stops eating after 6pm.

While we always recommend a healthy and balanced diet, we are not as focused on what you eat as when you eat

Robin Foroutan, a dietician in integrative medicine, recommends the 8:16 method: you consume all your daily calories in eight hours.

The rest of the day? It's just water, tea and coffee, without milk or sugar of course.

Robin said, "There are 10 years of really interesting data, very compelling research studies on intermittent fasting, the prevention of atherosclerosis, there could be benefits in terms of cancer prevention. "

But is intermittent fasting really a magic cure?

Dr. Ashton said, "Intermittent fasting is all the rage. Having 12 or 16 hours without eating is not a medical, physiological, metabolic or nutritional problem, the body does not go into a state of metabolic fasting as long as there is no food for about 36 hours. "

But if just the idea of ​​fasting makes your stomach growl, Foroutan says the best thing to do is to start small.

Foroutan says, "The great thing about intermittent fasting is that you can do it from time to time or most of the time, without losing big profits."

Whether you decide to try this diet or not, dietitians say that 12 hours of fasting can be a major asset to your health.

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(This story was posted on November 7, 2018)

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