Could you be an astronaut like Tim Peake? Try these puzzles to discover


RECKON you could be the next person on the moon – or maybe the first human to walk on Mars?

The British space hero Tim Peake has published a book revealing tricks that astronauts must solve before being sent to the International Space Station.

    British astronaut Tim Peake has challenged us all to pass challenging mental aptitude tests

PA: Press Association

British astronaut Tim Peake has challenged us all to pass challenging mental aptitude tests

The 46-year-old Chichester native has defeated more than 9,000 candidates for one of six seats in the European Space Agency's astronaut training program.

Part of the selection process involved challenging intelligence tests that measured his logical reasoning.

Tim's New Book Calls The Astronaut Selection Test Book: Do You Have What It Needs? And will go on sale on October 4th.

But see if you can solve some of the most ignoble puzzles in the book here …

Tim Peake / The Astronaut Selection Test Book

Test 1

Spatial awareness skills are extremely important to any astronaut because astronauts often use equipment they can not see and do in microgravity, which affects their perception (after all, there is no low in weightlessness). On an outing in the space in particular, you are constantly changing your focus and perspective as you move. Breeders are looking for good spatial awareness skills.

Imagine that you are facing a cube. This cube can roll left, right, forward (towards you) or backward (away from you). There is a point at the bottom of the cube.

  • a) In your mind, throw the cube: front, left, left, front, right, back, right. Where is the point now?
  • b) Imagine the same cube with the point. Roll the cube: forward, right, right, forward, left, back, left. Where is the point now?

Tim Peake / The Astronaut Selection Test Book

Test 2

What is the reading on the voltmeter?

  • a) 2 volts
  • b) 4 volts
  • c) 4.5 volts
  • d) 6 volts

Test 3

3 What is the speed of sound in dry air at 0 ° C?

  • a) 150m / s
  • b) 330m / s
  • c) 240m / s
  • d) 3,500m / s

Test 4

In a circuit, the voltage, U, is increased uniformly. The resistance of 100 ohms remains constant. What happens to the current, me?

  • a) increases with tension
  • b) Decreases with tension
  • c) increases at a rate of 75% of the voltage
  • d) Do not change

Tim Peake / The Astronaut Selection Test Book

Test 5

A line runs through the center of a 3D shape so that it is equidistant from all surfaces. What is the shape?

  • a) a sphere
  • b) a cylinder (without ends)
  • c) a cube
  • d) an octahedron

Test 6

The reaction time of a driver is one second. How far does it roll before braking, if it rolls at 96 km / h and sees a red light?

  • a) 26.7 m
  • b) 59.9m
  • c) 29m
  • d) 128m

Test 7

A guard in a zoo has food that would last 78 days for seven lions. How long would the food last for 21 lions?

  • a) 26 days
  • b) 30 days
  • c) 28 days
  • d) 27 days

Test 8

If the shapes or patterns are arranged on a line, you will need to determine the next object in the sequence, choosing from several options. If the shapes are arranged in a grid, you will have to choose which option must fill the missing square.

You only have 10 seconds for each puzzle.

Tim Peake / The Astronaut Selection Test Book

Test 9

Tim Peake / The Astronaut Selection Test Book

Test 10

Tim Peake / The Astronaut Selection Test Book

Test 11

Tim Peake / The Astronaut Selection Test Book

Test 12

Tim Peake / The Astronaut Selection Test Book

Test 13

While following a procedure for a scientific experiment, you realize that you have performed a few steps in the wrong order. You evaluate that it is likely that the end result will not be affected by this and that no harm has been caused.

Do you:

  • a) Continue with the procedure, but write down in writing to the control of the mission the incorrect sequence of steps?
  • b) Inform the mission of checking your error by voice before continuing?
  • c) Continue the procedure; do you evaluate that it will have no impact?
  • d) Ask a second opinion of a crew member?

Test 14

Match the following eight Dutch words for animals with their English counterparts. For a bonus point, name the animals that have been in the space, from the following list. Before humans, animals were the first explorers of space during the first missions.


  • vlieg
  • hert
  • haan
  • schildpad
  • kikker
  • aap
  • neushoorn
  • turn


  • monkey
  • deer
  • frog
  • rhinoceros
  • tortoise
  • Spiders e
  • cockerel
  • fly

Test 15

Some European astronauts are now learning Chinese and Russian. The way Chinese characters are constructed sometimes gives you a visual clue to what a word means.

Look carefully at the bold elements of the five Chinese words below.

  • 火箭
  • 宇航员
  • 平面
  • 窗口
  • 椅子

Your task is to match them to these equivalent English words:

  • window
  • plane
  • rocket
  • astronaut
  • chair

Test 16

Astronaut training includes intensive courses in Russian, including one month spent in a Russian family. Without using a dictionary, translate the following Russian words into English.

  • модуль
  • космонавт
  • капсула
  • процедура
  • камера
  • станция
  • ракета
  • парашют
  • орбита
  • траектория

Who is Tim Peake?

Here's what you need to know …

  • Major Tim Peake is an officer of the British Army and Astronaut
  • He is the first British astronaut of the European Space Agency
  • He is also the sixth Briton to board the International Space Agency
  • Peake was born in Chichester, West Sussex in 1972
  • In 1990, he attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
  • In 1992, he joined the Air Force
  • Two years later, Peake became a qualified helicopter pilot
  • Peake left the army in 2009 to fulfill his dream of becoming an astronaut
  • He has beaten more than 9,000 candidates for one of six places in the ESA astronaut training program.
  • He had to undergo a rigorous selection process that tested his intelligence and physical form.
  • Peake was launched on the ISS on December 15, 2015
  • In April of the following year, he ran the 2016 London Marathon from the ISS Treadmill.
  • And in June 2016, he finally returned to Earth, landing in Kazakhstan on a Soyuz descent module
  • During his time in space, Peake made about 3,000 orbits of the Earth

And here are the answers …

Test 1: The point ends on the bottom twice

Test 2: b

Test 3: b

Test 4: a

Test 5: b

Test 6: a

Test 7: a

Test 8: re

Test 9: c

Test 10: c

Test 11: c

Test 12: b

Test 13: b

Test 14:

  • vlieg = fly
  • hert = deer
  • haan ​​= cock
  • schildpad ("toad shield") = turtle
  • kikker = frog
  • aap = monkey
  • neushoorn ("horn of the nose") = rhinoceros
  • spin = spider

Creatures that have been in the space include flies, monkeys, frogs, turtles and spiders.

Test 15: Rocket- 火箭, chair- 椅子, plane- 平面, astronaut- 宇航员, window- 窗口

Test 16: Module, cosmonaut, capsule, procedure, camera, station, rocket, parachute, orbit, trajectory

These riddles have been taken from Tim's book, the astronaut selection test book: do you have what it takes ?, Available in hardback and ebook from October 4th.

You can also pre-order it here for £ 20:

Have you had any of these puzzles correctly? Let us know in the comments!

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