Could you have ADHD in the adult if you have concentration problems? This is definitely a possibility


Do you often frustrate your colleagues because you can not focus on meetings? Are the gigantic strings more fascinating than the latest iPhone XS? Or do your friends call you a "kan cheong spider"?

Think about your childhood. Did your parents have to scold you every two minutes to stay still? If you were also a regular at the Discipline Master's office or your teacher was training you every day for not paying attention in class, there is a chance that you now have an attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity .


In spite of the adult name for the disease, this neurodevelopmental disorder has its roots in childhood, said Dr. Poornima Gangaram, consultant of the Psychosis Department of the Institute of Mental Health.

About 60% of children with ADHD in the United States become adults with ADHD. about 4% of the adult population, or 8 million adults, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). However, there are no national data on the number of adults with ADHA in Singapore, said Dr. Gangaram.

The ADAA noted that ADHD is considered to be biological and that it occurs very early in brain development.

Adult Focus ADHD

(Photo: Unsplash / Stefan Cosma)

"Many symptoms of ADHD are present before the age of 12 and persist in adulthood," Dr. Gangaram said. In preschool children, the biggest telltale sign is hyperactivity, such as running and climbing. This is followed by symptoms such as inattention, agitation, agitation and impulsive behavior, she said.

But because parents and teachers tend to use these signs up to "normal behavior in children," ADHD is neither diagnosed nor treated – until early in life. Adolescence or occasionally early in adulthood Dr. Gangaram.

"This is especially true for the symptoms of inattention, which become more evident with increasing demands in education and profession. Young children also often have difficulty reporting problems with ADHD. "

Expectations of sexist behavior may also have contributed to delaying the diagnosis of ADHD in adults. According to the online resource on mental health VeryWell Mind, for example, women are more likely to be diagnosed with an inattentive ADHD later in life. If a girl often dreamed and was disorganized, one probably thinks that it is her character traits rather than ADHD.

ADHD in adults

(Photo: Unsplash / Thu Anh)

Can ADHD develop in adults who have no priority in childhood? Research is under way to determine this, but the evidence is not sufficient to support this theory, Dr. Gangaram said. "The diagnostic criteria currently accepted internationally require that ADHD symptoms begin in childhood."


In ADHD in adults, the symptoms are similar to those of ADHD in children, except that most adults develop symptoms of hyperactivity, said Dr. Gangaram. Many adults with ADHD may also not know that they have it. Or they may not think too much about it, even if they find daily tasks difficult.

Conversely, some of these individuals may have developed coping strategies to overcome their ADHD symptoms in the adult: distractibility, forgetfulness, inner agitation, procrastination, disorganization, mood instability, and behavior. # 39; avoidance.

Reminders of sticky notes

(Photo: Unsplash / Kelly Sikkema)

However, it is interesting to note that some people with ADHD in adulthood may have hyperfocus Instead of a lack of concentration, according to Healthline. Such individuals are so absorbed in something that they eliminate everything around them.

How is he diagnosed and treated?

If the symptoms are present for a long time and affect your daily functions, you should consult a psychiatrist to rule out ADHD in the adult, suggested Dr. Gangaram. According to the ADAA, it can also address other mental health issues such as anxiety disorders, depression or bipolar disorder, which adults with ADHD are likely to present.

To diagnose, a comprehensive assessment is necessary to evaluate your functioning at school or at work and in your social life. Your family will also be involved in the assessment to corroborate the information, said Dr. Gangaram.

During the course of the assessment, the psychiatrist will likely use a diagnostic guide such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) to see if you meet the criteria described in it. This uses questionnaires, rating scales, intellectual exams, interviews and measurements of your continued attention and distraction.

ADHD in adults is often treated in a multi-pronged approach that includes "psychoeducation, medications and psychotherapeutic interventions such as coaching, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and counseling," said the Dr. Gangaram. "Treatment often reduces the symptoms of ADHD and improves their psychosocial functioning. For example, it could make them more productive at work by improving their concentration and organizational skills. "

Bureau Discussion Meeting

(Photo: Unsplash / Stefan Stefancik)

People with ADHD adults can be productive at work with the right tools. "They could benefit from a structured work environment and practical problem-solving skills to handle everyday problems, such as working on time, prioritizing and completing tasks in a timely manner," said Dr. Gangaram.

"Having a good understanding of their condition helps them improve their interpersonal and social skills, which helps them and their colleagues."

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