County Reports Meningitis Epidemic to SDSU


With three cases of meningococcal disease among students at San Diego State University since June, the county's public health department on Friday declared an epidemic on campus.

Announcing the decision in the Montezuma Hall just before lunch, officials said the three students had been infected with the type of meningococcal bacteria "B" that can cause life-threatening meningitis, inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord .

In early September, the county and the university announced that a student living on campus had been hospitalized after being infected. A student, also living on campus, was hospitalized after starting to develop symptoms on September 25th. A third student, a graduate woman who lived off campus, became ill in June, but the infection occurred not attending classes on campus at that time, officials said.

Most students are vaccinated with a vaccine that covers four different types of meningococcal bacteria, but not type B.

When the university announced the first case in early September, many people on campus have enrolled to be vaccinated, providing significant protection against future infections.

But vaccination does not prevent infections already present and a person whose nasal passages have been colonized by the bacteria may not get sick right away.

The officials urged the entire campus population to keep their eyes open on the symptoms of meningococcal disease, including fever, severe headaches, lethargy, stiff neck and a non-bleaching rash. under pressure.

Anyone with any of these symptoms should take them seriously and consult a doctor immediately.

The bacterium spreads more easily on university campuses. It moves from person to person through close contact, for example by sharing glasses, cooking utensils, cigarettes or pipes, bottles of water, drugs, kissing or living in nearby places.

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