Couple featured in the viral proposal picture in Yosemite found


The Michigan photographer looking for the couple he captured in a breathtaking moment at Yosemite National Park found them, reported WOOD-TV.

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On October 17, Matthew Dippel published a dramatic photo of a man who was proposing a proposal to his girlfriend at Taft Point and asked for help to identify them. He had posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The couple is introduced and it's about Charlie Vo and fiancée Melissa, who live in Alhambra, California, reported WOOD.

"I found them," wrote Dippel on Facebook. "In short, I've captured the second, most special and official proposal in Charlie's words."

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Dippel took the picture on October 6 during a hike with a friend in Yosemite.

At a FaceTime call Saturday night, Vo told 24 Hours News 8 that he and his fiancée became engaged in February.

But Vo said that he wanted a more dramatic setting. He therefore planned a second proposal while they were going to Taft Point.

Vo said he saw an article on Dippel's photo in an information channel in Los Angeles. After a search on Google, they saw that the story was everywhere on the Internet, reported WOOD.

"I was really shocked." I just told him (Dippel): "I can not believe you took this picture of us and that everything went well," Vo said. TV channel. "I was just shocked to find it like that and to have taken such a nice picture of us."

"I'm happy to have finally found you to share this special moment with you," wrote Dippel on Facebook.

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