Cover image of the video game concept Iron Man by Marvel Has Us In Dreamland


iron man ps4 cover
(Photo: Reddit)

Yesterday, a piece of art for Marvel's Iron Man surfaced and sent Marvel fans across the Internet into the world of dreams.

Fast forward to today, the user of Reddit, ahmedaki, has released a cover image of the game concept to send Marvel fans further from reality.

As you can see in the picture above, the concept of the cover is simple but striking. Moreover, it seems that this may constitute a legitimate cover for the hypothetical game. It's beautiful, but painful to watch, knowing that no game of this type is currently in development.

That did not stop fans from dreaming, though. In the comments in the Reddit publication, some fans talk about the infinite possibilities of combination and how they could be implemented. As a user suggests, the idea of ​​customizable costumes as in Injustice 2 would be really nice.

Elsewhere in the post, other fans are talking about the possibility of a Thor or Daredevil game. The latter would be particularly difficult to achieve because the crossing system of Daredevil is not at the same level as Spidey or even Iron Man.

And of course, there are many more hopes and hopeful theories, a user pointing out the possibility for Marvel to create his own game world, which, in short, is incredible.

Iron Man seems to be a good candidate to win his own series of games, but with the hands of Insomniac Games related to Spider-Man in the foreseeable future, who would develop such a series?

The first option that comes to mind is perhaps that of Avalanche Studios, which knows something about the development of Just cause series. Sucker Punch Studios, owned by Sony, which had already been pushed to Marvel's Spider-Man before it's officially revealed to be an Insomniac project.

If there is one thing that Spider-Man of Marvel, and publications like this have shown, it is perhaps unsurprisingly, a huge demand for more Marvel superhero games. Will we have more? Undoubtedly. But how long Who knows.

Marvel's Spider-Man is available exclusively for the PlayStation 4. Learn about why he is so amazing and has so many topics in our official review.

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