Cowboys Jerry Jones on the Anthem: A Step Back as a Creator of One-Man Rules


OXNARD – The owners of the NFL, and even the NFLPA, are trying to figure out what the league and its players should do regarding social injustices during the national anthem.

The owner of the Dallas Cowboys, Jerry Jones After spending a week declaring that his Cowboys will "follow the line" for the pre-game anthem, no matter what, Jones led his annual tour of DFW TV station camp Sunday night with a warning: He politely asked all local sports anchors to refrain from asking questions about the national anthem.


Because the NFL urged him to do it … and he finally listened.

All those involved – apart from individuals who think they and they alone possess the magic solution to a complex problem – are best served by the NFL. try to negotiate an answer, rather than trying to get through one.

Jones was made to see the light here, which prompted his dictum to television journalists. … that was not well received by Mike Doocy of Fox 4, who politely canceled his interview with Jones.

I had a conversation with Doocy here and I will write the same thing on the radio: I applaud it Mike's integrity here … but at the same time I would have personally chosen to answer by saying to Jones: "You can tell yourself how to answer my question but you can not say In other words Jerry on-air offered a simple "no comment" (granted, he was never very good at it) would have been the optimal solution.
Now we move on to potential solutions for bigger problems.

Jones' toe-the-line position until then implausible on the hymn protests involuntarily put his players in untenable situations (My column here.) When quarterback Dak Prescott back Ezekiel Elliott said to the media that they were in agreement with the owner's point of view, they were labeled by critics as "house n —-" No matter that Prescott said : "I would never protest during the anthem, and I do not think it's the time or place to do it.The game of football has always brought me such peace, and I think that Is the same for many people – many people who play the game, a lot of people watching the game, a lot of people who have an impact on the game. So when we bring such controversy to the stage, in the field, in the game, it removes … of that, it removes the joy and the love that football brings to many people. for me, I am all about changing and making a difference. I think this whole story of kneeling, and all that, was simply meant to educate the public, and the fact that we were still talking about social injustice years later, I think we got to this point . I think we have proven it. We know social injustice. I'm ready to go to the next step, no matter what action you take, not just on your knees.

"I have always believed in defending what I believe in, and that's what I will continue to do."

It does not matter that in another time and in another place, Elliott would have been perfectly charmed to have said, "Do not hit anyone else who might choose to kneel during the national anthem. National anthem. "

But this is not the moment and it's not this place … and Jones' challenge has helped make this unfortunate reality a reality.

How were the NFL and the NFLPA engaged in a serious policy negotiation with Jones having already declared a policy? Previously done with Nike against Pepsi means that the Cowboys must do it forever , whatever happens, even intertwined in politics and race that they involve the President of the United States

C & # 39; That's why we have the owner of the Bengals, Mike Brown, who says, "The league and the union are discussing this issue and we are instructed to withdraw while this continues. I will not sit here and stir the pot. They do not want to hear from me right now. Let's see how it breaks out and hope that they can find some sort of acceptable answer not only for the clubs and the players but also for the public.

What time and what place is it? It's a time when both parties should drop the rhetoric and drop the sayings.

Sunday night at Oxnard, the TV cameras are ready, Jerry Jones realized that it was for the NFL that he could not just do the rules – he also needs them to follow.

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