Crack in Support Beam closes the new $ 2 billion transit terminal of S.F.


"The beam is cracked," Zabaneh said. "The behavior of the beam is unpredictable."

Zabaneh said the crack had been found near a weld on a horizontal beam under stress. He said that he did not know how long the crack was, but he told reporters that US steel was used in the construction of the center.

Zabaneh stated that the cause and extent of the damage was unknown and that the decision to close the terminal was due to an "abundance of caution".

"It's very disappointing that we have this," Zabaneh said. "It's very disappointing for us to build … to be responsible for the construction of the transit center.And very disappointing, we have to embarrass the public.But it's a security problem and we take it at seriously and can not take any chances. "

Tom Hui (left), director of the San Francisco Building Inspection Department, Mark Zabaneh, executive director of the Transbay Joint Powers Authority
Tom Hui (left), director of San Francisco's Building Inspection Department, Mark Zabaneh, executive director of the Transbay Joint Powers Authority, and Ron Alameida, director of project management for the city and county of San Francisco San Francisco (Monica Samayoa / KQED)

Set up in the "Grand Central of the West", the Salesforce Transit Center opened in August after nearly a decade of work. It was expected to accommodate 100,000 passengers every day of the week and up to 45 million people a year.

The buses were re-routed to a temporary transit center two blocks away, which was used during the construction of the center. A downtown street under the beam was also closed indefinitely, causing traffic chaos and some streets were closed for a Salesforce sponsored conference that was to attract 170,000 attendees.

Wrapped in a wavy white metal veil, the five-level center includes a bus bridge, a sky-lit central entrance hall and a rooftop park with an open air amphitheater.

The project, a dominant presence in the city's South of Market neighborhood, is funded by land sales, federal grants, district fees and taxes, bridge tolls, and federal and state funds.

The transit center is adjacent to another dubious landmark, the so-called wrecked condominium, Millennium Tower, which has settled about 18 inches since it opened over a former landfill site. 2009. The owners initiated this construction of the transit center caused the sinking of the Millennium Tower.

Zabaneh said that he did not believe that the cracked beam was related to the ongoing problems at the Millennium Tower.

Salesforce Online Business Software, which opened its adjacent 61-story Salesforce Tower three months ago, purchased the center's naming rights in 2017 as part of a $ 110 million sponsorship deal over 25 years.

This post includes the report by Paul Elias, Associated Press reporter.

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